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22 Jump Street (2014)

22 Jump Street (2014)


Jonah Hill
Channing Tatum
Peter Stormare
Ice Cube

Directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller

Here’s a comedy that, even though you know it’s the same old thing all over again, still manages to make you laugh the entire time. The script is predicable, but its also crazy and funny—just what the doctor ordered for anyone who’s laugh-deprived. I really couldn’t believe that I would still enjoy a second part, but I did.

22 Jump Street played to the strengths of both actors, and they both seemed perfectly fit for their roles. For me, it felt like the characters grew a little in this movie, which had an excellent blend of comedy and action—good enough for a buddy cop flick.

In 22 Jump Street, the bromantic love between the two characters is tested, and it’s fun to see how they handle competition or a third party. The ironic thing is, you’d think the third party would be a girl…
Another thing I loved about the movie is how everyone, including the actors, knew it was the same old stuff all over again—except this time, our bromance is happening in college. So there is not much originality in this movie which you haven't seen in others.

As far as acting goes, I was impressed by everyone in this movie and really appreciated that Ice Cube was given a larger role.

Like its predecessor (21 Jump Street (2012)), the movie is based on a TV series of the same name that aired between the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. The star of the show back then was Johnny Depp.

Now, the stars are Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, who play Morton Schmidt and Greg Jenko, respectively.

Our duo made it through high school in the first movie. Here, they have to make it through college and bust a drug ring. The drug they’re trying to stop is called Whyphy (Work Hard Yes, Play Hard Yes).
In high school, Schmidt was the popular kid, and Jenko was seen as the weirdo. This time, the roles are reversed: Jenko becomes the popular kid, and Schmidt is the odd one out.

At the end of the movie, the credits show the endless possibilities for where the producers could take this franchise. 22 Jump Street was both a critical and financial success, paving the way for a third installment, which I hear is in the works.

I may have preferred the first movie, but I have to admit—it’s not often that a sequel does well enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with its predecessor. That said, I think this movie is one of the exceptions. I must add that while the characters are more developed, they still fall into familiar tropes, and the pacing can feel uneven.


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