Hellboy is
a cult classic released in 2004, and back then, it spread like wildfire.
Everyone saw it, everyone loved it, and suddenly, a character many didn’t know
or care about became a fan favorite.
It was a moderate box-office success, but that success was enough to spawn a
sequel, two direct-to-DVD animated films, and now, a planned reboot.
For me, this
movie came out at a time when superhero films weren’t the cultural phenomenon
they are today, which explains its moderate success. If it were released now, I
imagine it would perform much better at the box office and receive even more
Written, crafted, and directed by Guillermo del Toro, the film stars Ron
Perlman as Hellboy and is loosely based on Mike Mignola’s Hellboy: Seed of
Destruction from Dark Horse Comics.
During World War II, a group allied with the undead Grigori Rasputin attempts to open a portal to unleash chaos. They’re stopped by an Allied team sent to destroy the portal, led by a young scientist named Trevor Bruttenholm, who’s well-versed in the occult.
The Allied team
kills the Nazis and destroys the portal, absorbing Rasputin in the process
while his allies escape.
Trevor insists
the team search the area, warning that the portal was open long enough for
something to have slipped through. Sure enough, they discover an infant demon
with a stone right hand. They name him “Hellboy,” and Trevor adopts him.
Also part of the BPRD are Liz Sherman (Hellboy’s crush, who left the bureau to sort out her life) and Abe Sapien.
When we catch up
with Hellboy, he’s on the trail of a paranormal creature. Unbeknownst to him,
the creature was released by Rasputin’s allies, who are still working to bring
about the end of days.
Now, the fate of the world rests in Hellboy’s hands—ironically, he’s also the
key to bringing about the apocalypse.
I enjoy the movie, but the pacing can be uneven at times, particularly in the middle where some scenes feel dragged out, slowing the action and character development. Also, some of the humor seems forced and doesn’t always fit, disrupting the darker mood and breaking the immersion now and then.
If you haven’t
seen this movie yet, you need to—especially before the new Hellboy reboot
hits the screens, because there is a chance the reboot may not be this good.
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