Thor: The Dark
World was released in late 2013, and I just couldn’t bring myself to watch
it at first. I didn’t see the point in making the movie, knowing Thor isn’t
exactly one of those characters with the coolest stories.
It wasn’t as funny as the first one, nor as
clumsy or deep in terms of story, and if I’d
never seen it, though, I don’t think I would’ve missed much.
The ending, where Thor defeats the threat and has to face his father, was a
standout moment. The way the writers crafted that scene made me curious enough
to want to see the next Thor movie and find out how things unfold.
The movie picks
up after the events of The Avengers (2012). Like other films in the
Marvel universe, the aftermath of The Avengers shakes things up.
Thor’s loyalty is questioned—should he stay loyal to Asgard or Earth? He spends
his days restoring order across realms and sneaks off to Earth at night.
Disney put its
money to good use here. The effects were grand, Anthony Hopkins was out of this
world, and I initially thought Loki would have a minor role. I was wrong—he
plays a crucial part, and his performance is a highlight.
The movie starts
by introducing a new threat to the universe: The Dark Elves. They existed
before light and want to bring darkness back. Bor, Odin’s father, stopped them
long ago, but now the planets are aligning again (supposedly a
once-in-5,000-years event, though in superhero and sci-fi movies, it feels like
it happens every year). The Dark Elves are rising once more to finish what they
started 5,000 years ago.
Disney raked in millions from this movie and is planning another installment. It felt like a waste of talent, but hey, I’m not the writer. My other issues with this movie are that it takes a while to get going, and when it does pick up, we’re faced with the uninteresting, depth-free villains, the Dark Elves. The story is pretty predictable and doesn’t offer much new—it’s forgettable, honestly. The character development, especially for Thor, could’ve been stronger. Also, the death of Thor’s mother didn’t quite land for me, maybe it is because I liked Rene Russo and was not happy to see her killed off.
Marvel has its
universe locked down, and the only thing that could make it better is if they
somehow bring Spider-Man and the X-Men back into the fold. Wouldn’t that be
The sad thing
is, that can only happen if they can get the rights back from Fox, which I do not believe they will be able
to achieve because Fox will milk the franchise.
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