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The Gold Rush (1925)

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The Gold Rush (1925)


Charlie Chaplin

Director Charlie Chaplin

The Gold Rush is known as the movie that Charlie Chaplin said he will love to be known for; Gold Rush is funny and exciting to watch. The script and the screenplay are just as creative as they come, which was all know they come Charlie Chaplin style, making you laugh all the way. My favorite scene in this movie is where the house was hanging on a cliff, with the Lone Prospector and Big Jim trapped inside. The movie boasts of such amazing screenplay, especially that specific scene.

Chaplin’s movies have received numerous recognitions for their work and appeal, this movie is no exception it got an Oscar nomination for Best Sound Recording, although it is a silent film. In 1942, Chaplin re-released the movie and in this new version, he added a musical score and a narration which he recorded himself, the original version was a silent film done in 1925.

The movie’s plot is about a character named The Lone Prospector (Charlie Chaplin) whose desire to venture into Alaska to look for gold led him down a path of adventure where he discovered gold and fell in love. In his adventure he met Big Jim McKay and Black Larsen and during a storm all three were trapped in a cabin. 

While they were tapped in the cabin, they ran out of food and Larsen went out to go search for some, while Big Jim almost ate the Lone Prospector (Charlie Chaplin), as Larsen wasn’t back in time and he Big Jim was hungry. The movie then carried on, at the end of the storm, Big Jim unfortunately loses his memory as he battled with Larsen at one point while the Lone Prospector went into town and fell in love with a girl he met at a saloon named Georgia.

Although Gold Rush is fun and a nice movie to see, but it is not as great as City Lights which was done six years after. Gold Rush was a box office success gaining over 4 million dollars. The movie made over four times its production cost and it is featured in the AFI’s top 100 movies of 100 years (10th Anniversary Edition), there it is rated 58 and it is rated the 25th funniest movies in the AFI's 100 Years... 100 Laughs.

Charlie Chaplin has been a wonderful actor, director, writer and producer in the many movies that he has done; this is just as much a classic as the others. Gold Rush is fun to watch and you will find yourself laughing your way through.


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