If you haven’t seen this movie, I advise you to put everything aside and go see it. I wouldn’t even be offended if you paused reading this review to go watch it—it’s magnificently funny. But I must add, if you do not fancy silliness and unrealistic stories as enjoyable, this movie is not for you, because it is filled with it. Even I at some point felt, it went in too deep on the silliness and unrealistic ideas.
For me, James
Franco has proven to be an actor to watch out for in the future. He delivers
every time he’s on-screen and makes any movie he’s in worth seeing. Seth Rogen,
on the other hand, has been a bit of a disappointment for me when it comes to
movies. Even in this one, I just never find his kind of humour funny, and did not enjoy his portrayal or acting in this movie.
That being said,
why I liked this movie and laughed hard at the jokes can be attributed to the
long-awaited anticipation of seeing it. Due to a group known as the
"Guardians of Peace"—a group the FBI believes has ties to North
Korea—Sony Pictures Entertainment was hacked, and several upcoming Sony films
and sensitive internal information were leaked. The group demanded that Sony
pull The Interview from cinemas, a movie they referred to as
"the movie of terrorism."
But later, the
movie was released in cinemas on December 25th and online.
North Korea and the Guardians of Peace have made this movie a must-watch and
even gave Sony a chance to recoup the financial damage they caused.
The movie was
originally developed to feature the assassination of Kim Jong-il, but after he
died and his son Kim Jong-un assumed power, the writers redirected their focus
to the new supreme leader.
The movie’s plot
follows two friends: Dave Skylark (James Franco), a talk show host, and his
producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen). They are approached by the CIA to
assassinate North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un (Randall Park).
What led to this
approach was Dave and Aaron’s ability to get Kim Jong-un to feature on their
show, as it was written that Kim Jong-un loved the talk show Skylark
What you’ll love
most in this movie is Dave Skylark. His ignorance and stupidity are beyond
normal, to the point that every time he opens his mouth, nothing meaningful
comes out.
Again, I advise
you to go see this movie. It’s a guaranteed laugh that Sony packed for
viewers—and one that North Korea wanted to deny us. Now, remember it is a
comedy, so it is not to be taken seriously.
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