At the end of
the movie, I was nodding my head in approval of the masterpiece I had just
witnessed. The Gift is an awesome movie that will have you gripping
your seat—not because something scary is happening or someone is being killed
or eaten. Nah, it’s because you won’t be able to predict the path the movie is
going to take.
The moment
everything looks familiar and you think you know what’s going to happen next—or
what has already happened—get ready for another shocking turn of events.
psychological thriller was made with the best intentions at heart: to give the
viewer a fun time and value for their money. What I liked is the way the movie
twists the male lead from victim to perpetrator, then back to victim.
The movie stars
Jason Bateman as the lead, and his delivery was well done. I have to
acknowledge him for doing a great job because I only know him for comedy. This
is a nice feather in his cap.
The movie was a
critical and commercial success, and watching it alone will show you why. It
was written, directed, and produced by Joel Edgerton, who also starred in the
movie as the main villain.
The plot follows
a couple moving to a new town—or rather, the husband’s former hometown. This
nice, beautiful couple, Simon and Robyn Callem (Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall,
respectively), are at a store when they’re approached by a man claiming he went
to school with Simon.
The man
introduces himself as Gordo (Joel Edgerton), and after the couple departs, he
starts showing up unannounced at their home, bearing gifts.
Simon continues
to distance himself from Gordo, but his wife insists they repay Gordo’s visits
with one of their own, also bearing gifts. The visit starts off great until
they discover that Gordo lied to them—the mansion he claims to live in doesn’t
belong to him. Simon warns Gordo to stay away from his family, and they drive
Later, Robyn
learns a dark secret about Simon and Gordo from a passing comment by Simon’s
sister—a secret that exposes Simon as not the man he’s been portraying himself
to be.
Her investigations only uncover more dark truths that will leave you, the viewer, confused about what’s really going on.
The movie does have its drawbacks, like some plot points that felt a bit stretched out. While the twists keep things engaging, they can sometimes feel forced, making parts of the story seem more convenient than natural.
This is a movie I highly recommend you take the time to watch.
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