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The Night Before (2015)

The Night Before (2015)


Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Seth Rogen
Anthony Mackie

Directed by Jonathan Levine

The first combination of Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in 50/50 (2011), a film about a man battling cancer, was an awesome dramatic comedy. Over the years, though, Seth Rogen has been hit or miss for me. Most of his movies tend to fall by the wayside—too much effort, not enough laughs.

I didn’t see this Christmas movie when it came out in 2015. I usually avoid Seth Rogen, but when I heard it was written and directed by Jonathan Levine, the man behind 50/50 (2011), I decided to give it a try.

The Night Before won’t go down as one of the best modern Christmas movies, but it’s one I wouldn’t mind watching again. The movie had its laughs, its funny moments, and the bromance between the trio wasn’t bad. I wouldn’t say no to a sequel if the producers dared to make one.

A lot could be said about how the movie could have been better, but I do appreciate how the writer mixed emotional, spiritual, and funny elements of the season into one film.

Anthony Mackie isn’t a regular face in the comedy world, but here he held his own with plenty of jokes. His portrayal of an athlete willing to do anything to stay in the spotlight was funny to watch.

The Night Before is about three friends—Ethan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Isaac (Seth Rogen), and Chris (Anthony Mackie)—who bonded over the death of Ethan’s parents. They started a Christmas ritual that they carried on for years into adulthood.

They decided that, because their lives were getting busier with personal responsibilities, this year would be their last Christmas together.

The problem is, when one of them isn’t around, the other two discuss things about the missing friend that they’d like to say to their face. They soon realize it’s easier to talk about a friend behind their back than to say it directly.

Their planned iconic last Christmas ritual started off great, with Isaac’s wife giving him a gift that set the ball rolling in a direction none of the three could have predicted. Chris’s constant need to stay popular cost him his self-respect, and Ethan’s fear of commitment was costing him the woman of his dreams.

In the end, a blowout forces the three to say what they’ve been saying behind each other’s backs to each other’s faces. The result is something you’ll have to see for yourself when you watch this movie.

Here’s what I think the movie could have done better. First, the characters could’ve been more fully fleshed out—I felt like I was dropped into their lives without much context. Second, the emotional arcs were a bit too predictable. And finally, the ending could’ve been stronger. The plot has potential, but it doesn’t quite hit the mark where it counts.


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