Washington has, over the years, delivered home-run movies that leave you
gasping at the masterful performances he brings to the screen. Viola Davis, I didn't fancy her acting in the
ABC TV show How to Get Away with Murder or in Suicide Squad (2016). Until now in this movie performance, she’s always been one of those actors I recognized but who never truly stood
out to me.
In this classic
screenplay, however, to me, Viola steps up her game and delivers a performance worthy
of her Golden Globe and Academy Award wins for Best Supporting Actress.
The movie explores themes of racism and the challenges of parenthood. Viola’s character is easy to connect with as she portrays a woman struggling to keep her family together. Her husband is one misstep away from falling apart, and her son has big dreams that seem out of reach.
The family faces
financial struggles, the parents’ desire for their children to have a better
life than they did, and the children’s dreams of reaching for the stars.
The plot
revolves around the Maxson family: Troy (Denzel Washington), the father,
husband, and breadwinner; Rose (Viola Davis), the wife, mother, and glue
holding the family together; and their two sons. One son, Lyons, is from Troy’s
previous relationship and is a musician. Troy constantly tells him to give up
his dreams and get a “real job” to support his wife. The other son, Cory (Troy
and Rose’s child), desperately seeks his father’s approval.
As the family
navigates financial struggles, dashed hopes, and future dreams, Troy
complicates things further by having a child from an affair. Now, Rose must
deal with this new addition to the family while struggling to keep everyone
together, as Troy’s behavior and irrational decisions weigh heavily on them
Fences is a movie I highly recommend for its masterful drama and fantastic performances.
It struggles with pacing, feeling slow at times due to long stretches of dialogue, which make it feel more like a stage production than a fluid film. The limited setting sometimes feels confining. While the focus on the family's personal struggles is engaging, it sometimes prevents the film from digging deeper into its themes. Despite all that, I still enjoyed the movie. Though one thing stood out to me, the narrative seems more focused on the actors' performances than the plot itself.
Nice review. I would like to watch it