Bright is a movie filled with all the cliché one-liners you’d expect from an action film. Think of any classic action movie quote—this movie has it. It also tries to add a few of its own, but this Netflix production does justice to the action genre. My verdict after seeing this movie? Go watch it. If you haven’t heard of it, now you have. This is a movie I’d definitely watch a sequel to if Netflix decides to make one. That said, it’s not exactly fantastic.
The movie tries hard to blend action and fantasy, but it feels like it's going through the motions. I feel the pacing is off, especially in the first 30 minutes, where the world-building drags on and on, arrhhh!!! The plot, though packed with potential (which is why I was able to get over the 30 minutes of la-la land), often feels predictable, relying too heavily on familiar tropes without adding much depth.
Still, I liked the movie, I just had to overlook the above, after the movie picked up pace and things started happening. While most of the action is average, the Elves’ rampage is a highlight.
Two thousand years ago, instead of the “death of Christ,” we have the “death of the Dark Lord.” Bright is set in a world where humans coexist with mythical creatures like Fairies, Orcs, Elves, and even mentions of Dwarves.
The movie is an
all-out buddy cop action film set in the city of angels, Los Angeles. Will
Smith plays Daryl Ward, a police officer teamed up with rookie Orc cop Nick
Jakoby (Joel Edgerton), the first Orc officer in this reality.
With this
discrimination lingering, Officer Ward’s return to the force after being shot
(while his partner, Nick, was buying snacks) isn’t going smoothly. Ward’s
colleagues aren’t thrilled about him still being partnered with Nick, and Ward
himself isn’t happy about it either. During their routine patrols, you’ll see
how much Ward resents Nick and how much Nick needs to make this partnership
work—not just for himself, but for the rest of the Orcs, even though many Orcs
hate him for being a cop.
Meanwhile, a
group of Elves is trying to bring back the Dark Lord. Their path crosses with
Ward and Nick when the two cops stumble upon an Elf and a Wand at the scene of
a mini-mass murder.
Things quickly go south for Ward and Nick when word gets out about the Wand. Some of Ward’s fellow officers want to kill both him and Nick to get their hands on it. Gangsters are also after the Wand, and even Nick’s Orc community wants it. Just when you think that’s enough, the group trying to resurrect the Dark Lord starts chasing them too, as the Wand belongs to one of their own.
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