After Paddington
is convicted and sent to jail, the movie starts to test you. The test? How hard
can you hold yourself from falling over laughing as Paddington clumsily makes
his way through prison? We see him adjust with some help and transform the prison
using Aunt Lucy’s teachings to make everyone a little nicer.
Paddington 2 is
a live-action/CGI animated comedy film, full of the same characters from the
first movie (Paddington (2014))
and some new additions, many of whom you’ll love to see. One standout is Hugh
Grant, whose character is thoroughly enjoyable.
In this
installment, Aunt Lucy is about to turn one hundred years old, and Paddington
wants to get her a special present. He sets his eyes on a unique pop-up book of
London in Mr. Gruber’s antique shop. Paddington wants this book because Aunt
Lucy has always dreamed of visiting London, so he hopes to bring London to her.
The problem? The book is far more expensive than Paddington can afford, so he
takes on odd jobs to raise the money.
One evening, on his way home after a busy day of work, Paddington makes a detour to the antique shop to look at the book through the window. While there, he spots a thief breaking into the shop. Paddington, of course, goes after the thief, but in doing so, he ends up inside the shop and then outside chasing the thief, who eventually escapes. The incident triggers the alarm and alerts the police, but Paddington is the only one left at the scene. He insists he’s innocent and mentions the thief he saw, but his paw prints and marmalade stains are the only evidence left behind—enough to convict poor Paddington.
The Browns
believe Paddington and take on the task of trying to find the real criminal.
The only challenge? The thief happens to be a master of disguise.
The Paddington films are fun family movies set in a fictional world where an anthropomorphic bear migrates from the jungles of “darkest Peru” to the streets of London. The movie is based on the stories of the character Paddington, from the children’s book series of the same name created by Michael Bond.
The movie doesn’t quite hold up to the charm of the first film, feeling a bit repetitive at times, but it’s still a fun, family-friendly experience. Also, it's pacing is uneven. Some scenes drag on, while others rush through key scenes. There are some new characters, but they just serve as fillers.
I’d advise you
to take the whole family to see this movie. And don’t worry—Mr. Curry, played
by our beloved twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi (of the Doctor Who series),
is still around to hate on Paddington and, in the process, bring the whole
community together to save and clear his name.
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