Army of Thieves (2021)
Matthias Schweighöfer
Nathalie Emmanuel
Ruby O. Fee
Stuart Martin
Guz Khan
Jonathan Cohen
Directed by Matthias Schweighöfer
I love comedy heist movies, and I
was interested in seeing this one, but for a comedy heist film, I only laughed
once—when Sebastian tried to do something “manly” and punch Brad in the face.
Other than that, the comedy in this movie is like looking for a needle in a
haystack. By the end, the movie felt like an anticlimax. It serves as a prequel
to Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead.
I didn’t bother watching Army of
the Dead, the first movie in Zack Snyder’s franchise, mainly because anything
with zombies in it automatically puts me off. I almost skipped this one too,
until I heard it focused more on the heists this crew would be pulling off.
In the end, I feel like if you
never watch this movie, you’re not missing much. It only had one real high
point—right after the second heist—but then everything went downhill. I believe the actors did the best they could with their performances, but it was not strong enough to carry this movie.
I do think Snyder is a great
writer, but this movie has so much fluff. At least half of it could be cut out,
and the remaining hour would still make perfect sense. The movie opens with an
over-thirty-minute introduction to every character and their backstories. It
was so drawn out that I almost turned it off to do something more productive.
Then the first heist happens, and
it’s ridiculously easy—like a walk in the park. It made me curious to see how
the second heist, which Gwen promised would be much harder, would play out.
The movie introduces us to
Sebastian, who has a passion for safes and safe-cracking. He’s recruited by
Gwen to join her gang of international thieves, who are wanted everywhere. The
crew includes:
- Sebastian, the safe cracker
- Korina, the hacker (because every modern
heist crew needs a hacker)
- Rolph, the getaway driver (played by British
comedian Guz Khan—the only reason I gave this movie a chance)
- Brad, the gunman
The team plans to commit three
bank robberies, each one more challenging than the last. The big draw for
Sebastian is that one of the safes on their list is one he’s always dreamed of
seeing—and cracking.
The first heist, as I mentioned,
is ridiculously easy. The second one is tougher and finally gets interesting,
but the momentum doesn’t last long. After that, the movie quickly fizzles out,
ending on a disappointing note.
You can catch this movie on
Netflix, but honestly, you’re not missing anything if you skip it.
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