Juror #2 (2024)
J. K.
Directed by Clint Eastwood
What makes this
movie amazing is the fact that you’re placed in a moral dilemma along with the
lead. What will you do if you’re involved in a case as a juror, and you have
evidence to show that the whole case should be thrown out of court?
Anyone placed in
that situation will say, "I will come forward and say something."
Here’s the twist:
you, the juror, go to a lawyer and tell them what you know concerning the case,
and you’re told that if you come forward, you’ll be thrown into jail for at
least 30 years. Now, what will you do?
I like the fact
that this dilemma is given to us from the start. Thirty minutes into the movie,
and this is placed on your plate. Here’s Juror #2, a married man whose wife has
had more than one miscarriage, and this one is in its third trimester. He wants
to be there for her; better still, who wants to throw their life away?
Clint Eastwood
gives us a directorial masterpiece, and the movie has an all-star cast. You
watch all these things play out, and you’ll be lost, asking yourself,
"What would I do if this were me?"
Here’s the case
as a whole: recovering alcoholic Justin (Nicholas Hoult) is called to jury
duty. He’s selected to be a juror in the case concerning the death of Kendall
Carter. She was killed, and according to the police, her body was dumped over a
bridge pass on the rocks.
The chief suspect
is her boyfriend, Sythe. Sythe and Carter were in a relationship known for
their fights and abuse toward one another. On the night the body was found,
both were at a bar, and there was a fight. A fight that was public, and it was
a rainy night.
She walked off,
and he later walked off. It was later that night that her body was found.
The weird thing
about all this is that Justin happened to also be at the bar when this
happened, but he was there minding his own business and didn’t even notice the
couple or see the fight.
He was alone in
the car while the fight was going on, and on his drive home, that’s when the
incident of her death happened.
Fantastic movie! Get
ready to see amazing acting by the cast. It was first given a moderate release,
but now it has been given a wider release, so you can catch it in the cinema.
It’s amazing to watch it all unfold before you.
It is worth noting that, some see knowing the bad guy from the start, rather than it being a reveal, as a drawback that affects the movie's enjoyment as a thriller.
I have to add also, this was a good work from all the cast, they fit into their roles perfectly conveying their characters in ways I cannot criticise.
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