Eighty-Four (or 1984), which was fittingly released in 1984, is a
British dystopian science fiction film. Michael Radford wrote the screenplay
and directed it, based on George Orwell’s novel of the same name.
Before diving into the movie’s plot, I want to appreciate how Michael Radford
adapted this story. If you’ve read the book, the differences are clear, and you
might not fully appreciate how the two rebels were caught. Still, Radford
pieced it together well. The conspiracy that leads to the two leads being
apprehended for their thoughtcrime is deeper in the book than in the movie, but
the film still captures the essence.
The movie does a
great job depicting Orwell’s world. The relationship between Smith (John Hurt)
and Julia (Suzanna Hamilton) is well-portrayed, because of the captivating performances from both. As we watch Smith dive into his
diary, writing down his doubts about the system, you’re left wondering how your
own system might be holding you captive.
Set in the
future year of 1984 (the book was written in 1949, when Orwell envisioned a
world divided into regions), the world has been split into territories. This
division leads to constant conflict as each region vies for dominance.
By this point, most of the world’s population has fallen victim to perpetual
war, omnipresent government surveillance, and heavy propaganda.
Smith’s job
gives him insight into what’s really going on, and he begins to have doubts. He
starts writing his thoughts in a diary. He also notices the attention of a
woman named Julia. Love relationships are forbidden in Oceania, but somehow,
the two begin a secret affair in a place they believe is safe from prying eyes.
If you’ve read
the book, you already know how things unfold. If you haven’t, I recommend
watching the movie to see how it all unravels.
The movie has moments that drag, and the changes in the way it adapts the book, may be seen from a negative light by some viewers.
The book
introduced terms like Big Brother (which has since become a cultural
phenomenon), thoughtcrime, Room 101, and 2 + 2 = 5. The movie
opens your mind to how the world as we know it can be redefined. The book is
incredibly deep, and I highly recommend giving it a read.
I haven’t seen any other adaptations of this book, but I imagine adapting it is
no easy task. For that, I applaud Michael Radford for his effort.
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