Promising Young Woman (2020)
Carey Mulligan
Bo Burnham
Alison Brie
Clancy Brown
Directed by Emerald Fennell
This movie ended
in a very surprising way. Promising Young Woman is a dark movie that
promises to be comedic, but it doesn’t quite deliver on that front. I did enjoy
the movie for the most part, though I felt at times it dragged a little. There
was much more the writers could have made Cassie do when it came to getting
even with the people responsible for ruining her friend Nina’s life. I felt the
writers were a little too focused on trying to be realistic— a little more I
Spit On Your Grave female anger would have done the trick for me.
It’s a safe
movie to watch when not much else is happening on screen, but you may hit parts
that bore you, so it’s best to watch this movie with the remote in hand to skip
past the unneeded dialogue.
Acting-wise, I
felt everyone did their best in what I would classify as a B-movie cast.
The movie starts
with the introduction to Cassie (Carey Mulligan) and her style of getting back
at men. She acts drunk at clubs, someone takes her home, and when they try to
take advantage of her in her drunken state, she flips the switch. Here’s where
the movie leaves me at a loss for words—she’s small in comparison to the men
she’s with, and she still finds a way to take them on.
Anyways, she
continues these acts, and we see that she has put her life on pause because of
the death of her friend Nina. We come to understand that Nina, her friend, was
raped numerous times at a party while she was passed out drunk. The incident
ruined Nina, and she had to drop out of school. Her life spiraled downward,
which eventually led to her death. Cassie was the friend who stood by her and
watched her life get ruined by the incident, and she’s been dreaming of getting
even with everyone involved.
She meets a
former classmate, Ryan, who has feelings for her and isn’t going to give up
until he wins her over. Through Ryan, she finds the inspiration to go after
everyone involved—from the Dean who did nothing to the lawyer who defended the
man who did it, Al.
The movie ended
in a way I wouldn’t have planned for her, and I guess if it had ended with her
running away from it all and starting over somewhere else, that would have been
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