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Bride of Chucky (1998)

Bride of Chucky (1998)


Jennifer Tilly
Brad Dourif
Katherine Heigi

Directed by Ronny Yu

This is the movie that gave us Chucky with his face stapled, sewn, and hair done all weirdly. It’s also where Jennifer Tilly entered the franchise as Tiffany, the iconic doll. This installment introduces the idea that an amulet is needed to transfer souls into human bodies—a continuity flaw that doesn’t align with the movies before or after this one.

That aside, the movie is sometimes fun and other times not. It takes about forty minutes to hit its stride, and when it does, it plays it safe. You get to see some wild killings by Tiffany, and the movie keeps things straightforward, making the violence feel believable—something I appreciated more than the over-the-top approach of the two movies before this (Child’s Play 2 (1990) and Child’s Play 3 (1991)).

The CGI isn’t spectacular, and the plot isn’t perfectly sewn together. This movie, along with Seed of Chucky (2004), has nothing to do with Andy, the main human character from the first three films and the last two before the reboot. This is the fourth installment in the Child’s Play franchise.

The plot starts with Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) rescuing Chucky’s mangled remains from a police officer. She patches him up, bringing him back to life in doll form. We see her trailer, which is filled with dolls, showing her obsession. She performs the necessary incantations to revive Chucky, only to be surprised when his intentions for their relationship aren’t what she hoped. In anger, she locks him in a playpen with a female doll. He escapes, kills her, and transfers her soul into the female doll.

Now together, Chucky tells Tiffany she needs him to find his amulet so they can transfer their souls into living bodies. They decide to enlist Tiffany’s friend to help by having him transport the dolls to the burial site of Chucky’s human body, where the amulet is buried with him.

They kidnap the young man and his girlfriend, who are actually trying to escape the girl’s overbearing father. On their journey to the burial site, Chucky and Tiffany kill many people along the way, leading the police to believe the young couple is responsible for the murders.

The movie is easy to follow, with no complexity (which is not a good thing), and you can enjoy what it brings to the franchise. The acting is a good step up from the previous two movies, and I like the dynamic voice acting of the Tilly and Dourif.

That said, it’s just average. The film was followed by Seed of Chucky (2004), Curse of Chucky (2013), and Cult of Chucky (2017).


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