The suspense in
this movie is downplayed in such a way that you’ll think you have a clue of
where it’s going, only to find out the movie had other plans. I like movies
like this—ones that take it upon themselves to create their own reality. What I
mean is, the movie plays out like life: it gives us characters who are selfish,
cruel, and whose self-preservation takes center stage in their decisions.
The movie was a
box-office bomb, even though it was well-received. I wouldn’t have heard about
it if I hadn’t done my regular search for good movies I might have missed.
Sometimes flipping through Netflix or visiting sites like Looper to find out
about overlooked movies can be very rewarding when you stumble across one you
end up loving.
Amanda had a childhood friend named Lily, but they’ve grown apart. Since Amanda isn’t socially inclined, her mother paid Lily to hang out with her. Lily feels guilty about taking the money and decides to keep hanging out with Amanda even after the first payment.
During their time together, Amanda notices that Lily (Anya Taylor-Joy) dislikes her stepfather. The uptight Lily starts to loosen up and makes some progress in opening up, though she gets upset at Amanda for prying too much. Despite this, a renewed bond of friendship begins to form.
Lily’s stepfather is incredibly annoying, and during a strange confrontation with Amanda present, Amanda suggests to Lily that she consider killing him.
At first, Lily
isn’t on board with the idea, but she eventually agrees, and they form a plan
to carry it out in a way that implicates no one.
As you’d expect, the plan doesn’t go as intended, and Lily has to improvise in
a way that’s too freaky for words. I’ll leave it to you to watch the movie and
see how it unfolds.
The acting in
this movie is top-notch, showcasing two disturbed girls who find solace in each
other and try to make their lives better.
The movie was completed fourteen days before Yelchin’s death and holds high
critical acclaim. It’s worth all the praise it receives. Everything about the
movie—from its pacing to its portrayal of characters—is well done. I should mention, though, while I think it's well done, some viewers might find it slow or uneventful in parts. The lack of intense action or heavy drama might not keep everyone fully engaged, especially those who prefer faster-paced stories.
This is a
movie worth seeing anytime, and I hope you don’t miss it.
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