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Die Hart: The Movie (2023)

 Die Hart: The Movie (2023)





Kevin Hart

John Travolta


Directed by Eric Appel


The movie is actually an edited work of the series Die Hart done in 2020. Now if you have not seen that series, nor heard about it then you are lucky. I happen to have heard of it and never bothered to see it, then when watching the movie parts of it seemed familiar to me, then I recall having seen it from a trailer. I did a search to discover, it is the same as the first season of the series, Die Hart from 2020.

The movie plot does not make enough sense that will warrant you to want to rewatch it and the characters are so one-dimensional that it is annoying when you see them working together on screen.

For example, here is a character who is known to the world as a joke (Kevin Hart, playing a fictional character of himself also called Kevin Hart), not once did the screenplay/writer thought it best for the character to even mature. No time did he decide to make mature comments or even actions. When the situations played out for his character to rise above the situation of his shitty character, he just defaults to the silly joke of a person. Here is a scene: his life was in danger and his work partner Jordan has a man in a choke hold and all he had to do was to hurt this man. He decided to flex, give a talk and still did not end up landing a punch. Scenes like this following each other made the movie more like a chore than a fun time.

The main story is about Kevin who has just finished his sixth movie with Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson. He was tired of being seen as the supporting cast, placed in movies to be the comic relief so he wanted to transition to being a lead actor. Kevin not only wanted to be a lead actor he also wanted to be an action star. So, when he got a chance to be one, he took it. The problem is he does not have the action star charisma, so the movie maker wanted to change that and enrolled Kevin in the Ron Wilcox Action Star School.

Majority of the movie takes place here, where Kevin is given a room in this bootcamp training to be an action hero and along for the ride is a lady named Jordan who is also enrolled in the school for the same thing.

The movie is about how Kevin navigates this school curriculum in his own stupid joking way.



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